With Jennifer Lopez's belly expanding faster than a Jiffy Pop factory on fire, burblings are growing louder that she may have two Marc Anthony-spawned buns baking in her oven.
On the heels of People's report last week that J.Lo was recently seen "shopping for two" and a recent OK! item that she's "over the moon" about a double delivery comes a more detailed intrauterine dispatch from E!'s Marc Malkin, who hears she's "definitely" expecting twins -- a boy and a girl.
Lopez confirmed her bulgingly obvious great expectations during her final tour stop with Anthony on Wednesday night in Miami, telling the crowd, "Marc and I are expecting."
The less-than-earth-shattering announcement garnered many screams from the excited crowd and a kiss on the stomach from her beaming hubby.
So, why did Jen wait so long to make the blatant baby news official?
She told the crowd she didn't want to "burden" fans, who would perhaps worry about her high-energy dance moves during the show (you'll recall that she stumbled and nearly face-planted onstage last month).
On the heels of People's report last week that J.Lo was recently seen "shopping for two" and a recent OK! item that she's "over the moon" about a double delivery comes a more detailed intrauterine dispatch from E!'s Marc Malkin, who hears she's "definitely" expecting twins -- a boy and a girl.
Lopez confirmed her bulgingly obvious great expectations during her final tour stop with Anthony on Wednesday night in Miami, telling the crowd, "Marc and I are expecting."
The less-than-earth-shattering announcement garnered many screams from the excited crowd and a kiss on the stomach from her beaming hubby.
So, why did Jen wait so long to make the blatant baby news official?
She told the crowd she didn't want to "burden" fans, who would perhaps worry about her high-energy dance moves during the show (you'll recall that she stumbled and nearly face-planted onstage last month).
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