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The Da Vinci Code Movie Download & Review

The phrases “most anticipated movie of the summer” and “huge disappointment” seem to go hand in hand quite often. Early buzz for Ron Howard’s adaptation of “The Da Vinci Code” suggest that fans of the book and those that have been hoping to see what all the fuss is about without having to actually read should prepare for the worst. Is “Code” a bust or just a victim of impossible expectations? I’ve just finished breaking the code and now I can confidently say that the latter is true.
Much of the media frenzy surrounding the movie comes from the controversy created by the Catholic Church. Faithful Catholics have banded together to educate the world that most of Dan Brown’s novel is complete fiction. I’m really glad we all got this clarification. It almost makes you feel proud of the US government that they didn’t launch a campaign to set the record straight that “National Treasure” may not be historically accurate as well. And I don’t remember any rabbis upset that “Raider’s of the Lost Ark” took some creative liberties.
At best, Brown’s novel is a silly yet exciting page turner that plays into our love for conspiracy. Sure, some people are bound to wonder “what if,” but that’s just part of the fun. Fiction often makes suggestions of government corruption or conspiracy. There are always going to be those that take the bait, but why the Catholic Church actually takes this seriously seems to be a mystery in itself.
Because of all the media coverage (even on ESPN) there is no need to tell anyone more than they may already know about the plot. If you have actually managed to escape coming across any spoilers, consider yourself lucky.
For those that already read the novel, the good news is that Howard’s film is extremely faithful to its source material. There are a few lines that I remembered which didn’t make the final cut, but this movie is more or less the novel.
As a result, the movie’s strengths and weaknesses are largely reflective of those in the book. For instance, the best scene in the book is when the character Teabing tells the controversial legend in his mansion. The same holds true in the movie. Ian McKellen, as always, steals every moment of screen time he is given. Part of that is because McKellen is actually a wizard, but Teabing was my favorite character in the book as well.
Tom Hank’s Robert Langdon doesn’t quite work. He just doesn’t provide the hero required for such a thriller. Not to stir up my own controversy, but I’m not a huge fan of Langdon in the book either. Being a symbologist always seemed a bit silly. Heck, my spell checker doesn’t like it either. I guess that’s what you do when the communications and archeology schools don’t accept your application.
The problem is that Langdon doesn’t seem to contribute too much. His knowledge helps to solve a few puzzles, but Hanks doesn’t seem to believe anything his own character is saying. Some of the weakest moments in the film should have been Hank’s strongest.
Howard rushes through the scenes at the Louvre, which provide the main hook in the novel. Part of this strategy was to keep the excitement up by always positioning Langdon right on the edge of getting into trouble. This does keep things moving, but consequentially one of the best parts of the book doesn’t get the treatment it deserves.
Overall Brown’s story and Howard’s film provides an above the bar suspense thriller with some fresh and wild theories. For those that are disappointed, I ask what you expected. There are a lot of really awful movies that come out each year that just recycle dialog, plot points, and even complete scenes. If this same movie were to come out minus the expectations associated with Hanks and Howard, and if it weren’t based on one of the most popular and controversial books of recent memory, I suspect that reviews would be significantly more positive across the board. Folks might accurately recognize it for what it is, a jolly good piece of fiction and a pleasant way to kill a few hours.


Actors: Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Ian McKellen, Paul Bettany, Jean Reno, Etienne Chicot, Alfred Molina, Clive Carter, Seth Gabel, Daisy Doidge-Hill

Director: Ron Howard

Video Information
Runtime: 143 minutes
Resolution: 720x292 px
Codec: DivX v5
Bit Rate: 790 kbps
FPS: 25
Size: 1524.78 MB

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